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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Kukke Subramanya

We reached Subramanya at 7-30pm traveling a distance of 57 Kms from Sakleshpur that took us almost 4 hours. The first thing we did was to book 4 rooms at 'Ashlesha Lodge', as rooms were in much demand owing to the rush at Subramanya. The lodge was a part of the Temple, and so the rooms were booked at the Choultry Office near the Temple. Each room cost Rs. 150/-. Chaitra and Suhas paid a short visit to the Library-cum-museum that exhibited old artifacts. We decided to pay a visit to the temple first, which involved walking in a long queue without any shirt on. We hardly saw the God, when we were asked to quickly move on. Dinner was at the temple itself at 8-40pm, and I don't think there is any need to explain how the experience was. We were always scared of when the rice-cart would be accidentally pushed on top of us, and our poor stomachs could only get a brief taste of the food.

After dinner, Prakasha asked all the kids to take a walk towards the lodge, and he traveled princely in the vehicle. The unloading of the luggage started, and what Bharath and Suhas couldn't understand was how we fit in so many bags in one small vehicle. The bags kept on piling, and became an exhibit to the passer-bys. Finally, we dumped the bags and ourselves into the small rooms, filled with weird insects that really freaked out Suhas and the other kids. It was not really a peaceful night's sleep, thanks to Harisha and Ravi's card games, and during the rest of the night, Harisha entertained himself by waking up all those who had finally managed to fall asleep. Chaithra kept falling off the bed, Nikhil never failed to kick Suhas continuously, and the night wasn't something to remember.

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