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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Back to the CBOO Centre

As soon as we emerged out of the water, we began having sunburns. Suhas' back got red, Madhuri began getting pimples, and Harisha began scratching at the wrong places. Chaitra accidentally fell into the water, and panicked, causing much concern to her mother. Everyone slowly walked back towards the vehicle. Harisha, the innovator, covered his head with his underwear, allowing it to dry faster. It was already 3pm by the time we left the Nisarga Dhama. This place is indeed a full-day program, and everyone were really tired, and in no mood to roam around the botanical gardens, under the relentless heat of the sun. Lunch was at Janatha Deluxe. Everyone checked their weights in a weighing machine placed outside the restaurant, but a few like Bharath decided not to take the risk. It was a journey back to our dormitory; a nice sleep was what everyone wanted that moment. The sun can indeed lower your spirits, and the sunburns taught us a lesson to bring a suntan lotion the next time we plan a trip.

The journey back to the guesthouse was uneventful. The sleep was the most amazing one we had for a long long time. Everyone's batteries were charged up once again.

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